Welcome Message


The Languages and Literature School welcomes you to this information and communication site. You can find any information related to our Languages Centre, Technical College Degree, Undergraduate and Graduate Programs.

We are proud of our History, since we were an Institute to later become a School, and we hope to evidence here our effort to achieve our main goal: a School compromised with ourselves and knowledge. We aim by the word to contribute to the comprehensive training of others by means of Teaching, Translation, Linguistics and Literature.

Currently we offer the following Programs:

Associate Professor in Language Teaching

B.A. in Modern Languages – Spanish

B.A. in Modern Languages – English

B.A. in Modern Languages – French

Master in Linguistics

Master in Literature Teaching

Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics

Furthermore, at the Center of Languages and Culture Learning, we offer the following languages.

a)      Chinese

b)      English

c)       French

d)      German

e)      Italian

f)       Japanese

g)      Portuguese

h)      Esperanto

i)        Etc.


We humbly invite you to discover everything we offer. Being a member of the School of Languages and Literature goes beyond “Binding Cultures by the Word”, turning into living the Culture and Tradition of other world through it literary and linguistic richness. It is, enter to others world through discourse and written language.