The entry requirements for the program are:

  • Hold a Master in Linguistics Degree Title from the School of Languages and Literature of the UAQ. In case of not holding the degree, the aspirant must have completed the 100% of the credits and an approved Thesis work certified by the Thesis Director. In such case, the aspirant has a six months period for the Master's Thesis defense and exam. If not completed, the student can not continue with the PhD program. Any exceptions are consulted with the Entry Commitee.
  • In case of holding a Degree from another institution, prove the sufficient knowledge in basic Linguistic subjects and psychological processes related to language.
  • In case of holding a Degree of a related area (non-lingustic), prove a solid training in Social Sciences and/or Humanities, that allow comprehension of linguistic and psychological processes related to language.
  • Hold three Letters of Recommendation from three scholars that evaluate and support the adacemic capacities from the Master program.
  • Hold a Letter of Application and updated Curriculum Vitae
  • Present a draft of research in a Research Line from the PhD program, that proves the availability and capacity of scientific research. In case of already been supported by a Thesis Director, the draft must include a letter in which the Director accepts Tutoring the student.
  • Present the Master's Thesis and/or publications that prove the research experience. The publications will be evaluated by the Doctoral Entry Committee to decide whether the applicant fulfills the requirements or not. It is demanded that the publications are individual.
  • Prove a 500 pts TOEFL ITP test or equivalent.
  • Interview with the Faculty members of the PhD in Linguistics program to discuss the contents of the proyect and evaluate the experience and projection of the applicant.
  • The results of the interview with the documents will be evaluated by the Entry Committee in order to determine entrance. The decision is not to appeal.